Are you living in the little house or the Big House?

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-7

The little house is the house you grew up in, but it didn’t seem little until you began to grow up. Your earthly father and mother were there, and they had the opportunity of seeing who God created you to be. It is in this little house that you were groomed and prepared for the day you would walk out the door and begin to walk in your destiny. Your father had the awesome responsibility of affirming and calling you forth into maturity before you left his house. What a wonderful day for him when he releases and blesses you! Hopefully he can hear God say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” But if you were not blessed and affirmed, you may still be waiting for affirmation.

Your heavenly Father’s house is the Big House, and He invites you to come, enter in, and dwell with Him forever. But, first you must leave your earthly father’s house. Forgiveness is the key that releases you from the past and prepares you for your future. You may still be dwelling in a little house with a very limited perspective: all you see is the past. It is hard to even hear or see God’s great love and abundant blessings, much less believe they are for you. If you are still living in the little house, all you listen to are the same old tapes of mistakes and defeats. In the little house, you sit in the same little chair, and eat the same old stale bread. In the little house, you are bound by what others think and what they say. There are only two rooms in the little house; they are called “Fear” and “Doubt.” When you go into these two rooms, all you hear is, “I probably can’t do it,” and, “I doubt I ever will.” The choice is yours: you can move into the Big House, or be content to just stay where you are in the little house.

Embrace your full inheritance! You belong in the Big House, surrounded with all spiritual blessings. Broaden your perspective and expectations. You should be enjoying all the benefits of being an heir—a joint-heir—with Jesus Christ. Begin now carrying out your Father’s business as an heir. God is in the blessing business, and He wants His children to carry on the family business and bless others.

Many people are sixty years old and still stuck in the little house. What keeps you stuck there? If you did not hear your father say, “I love you, and I am so proud of you,” you may be stuck in the little house. The words your father said or did not say can keep you trapped in the past. When you are trapped in the past, you cannot move forward. Many people are stuck, still waiting for the words of affirmation that they never heard. They are unable to move forward by receiving His love and embracing the blessings He has prepared for them.

Even in a loving family, many times there is a void of affirmation. Instead of words that build up, words are spoken that tear down a child’s spirit. Words that tear down can have a harmful effect until they are released. Words can bind you up and shut you down and keep you from believing that God loves you and wants to bless you. When you release the words meant to tear you down and receive God’s Word, He gives you life, hope, and blessing. Then you can take your rightful place in the Big House which is your Heavenly Father’s House.