Holding On to Hope

“We who have fled to Him for refuge might have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and hold fast the hope that has been appointed for us” (Hebrew 6:18).


What are you hoping for?

A new job, a husband, a wife, or healing of a loved one?  Whatever you are hoping for let me encourage you to tighten your grip.  It is time to securely grab hold of whatever the Lord has promised you, don’t let it slip out of your hands and don’t give in to even the slightest disappointment.  Spend time with the Lord and this is what happens:

“We who have fled to Him for refuge might have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and hold fast the hope that has been appointed for us” (Hebrew 6:18).

There is something God has appointed for you and when you give-in to disappointment you are in essence saying, “I no longer believe what God has appointed for me will take place.” Disappointments will cause you to let go of the hope. It is like you have been swinging on a rope across a huge cannon, and you let go of a rope right before you get to the other side. When you give in to disappointment you can feel yourself sliding down the rope and if you give in, your strength grows weary and you completely let go.

I know this is how it works I have burn marks on my hands right now from letting the rope slip through my hands. Disappointments were coming from every side. I have been so bombarded by disappointments that I gave in to them. When a friend pointed out that I was disappointed I said, “You better believe I am disappointed” and I began to give her the mile long list. Then I was troubled because I wanted her to understand all the things that disappointed me.

But, the Lord would not allow me that privilege. He lovingly said, “That is what you get when you are in kindergarten.”  Then I remembered, in kindergarten my teacher would give us a sucker when we were disappointed if it was raining outside and we couldn’t go out to play. The Lord reminded me, “You are not in kindergarten and you can not give into disappointments.” I must adjust my grip and hold on or as Paul said it in Hebrews 6:18, “hold fast to the hope that is appointed for us.” The word appointed means it has been prearranged and set before me so all I do is grab it and hold on tight for Hope is the anchor of my soul.

Written by Denise Boggs.