I Am Safe Under the Shadow of His Wings

Keep me as the apple of thy eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings, Psalm 17:8

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his trust shall be thy shield and buckler. Psalm 91:4

We all can benefit greatly from experiencing the hidden side of life.  There are times in our lives when He takes us up and hides us.  He takes us up at a time when He knows we are tired and weary.

If you are a person who is committed to serving others, either your family or others in ministry, you will get tired. You may need a place and time to rest.  You may need a hidden place, where no one can pull you away to serve. You may have had enough of the hurried pace of life, you may need to hear what God spoke to Elijah, “Get the hence, and turn eastward, hide thyself by the brook Cherith…”(1Kings 17:3).

As Elijah did as the Lord said, his needs were provided for. He had bread and flesh to eat in the morning and evening and water to drink out of the brook. You may need a place like Elijah had where God will feed you and refresh you. Elijah hid in the ravine, a place of total peace and solitude, from which the crowds are turned away.

Our Lord Himself went through His ravine in Nazareth, in the wilderness of Judea, amid the olive trees of Bethany and in the solitude of the city of Gadara. So none are exempt from a ravine experience, where the sounds of human voices are exchanged for the waters of quietness that flow from the throne of God, where we taste the sweetness and soak up the power of a life “hidden in Christ”(Col.3: 3).

The Path: Find your own hidden place to rest and be refreshed.