“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).
Rejection occurs when someone does not receive or accept you for who you are. It is an error on the part of the one who is rejecting another, not the one who is experiencing the rejection. If you have experienced rejection, it does not mean there is something wrong with you. In Scripture, Saul did not see who David was, Joseph’s brothers did not see who he was, and the Jews of the day did not see who Jesus was.
The enemy plants lies in our minds at the moment of rejection. We are then held captive by the lies of rejection, because the lies dictate how we feel about ourselves. Rejection is not a sign of weakness, although those who suffer from the pain of rejection become weary and even weak. Jesus understands your pain because He too experienced rejection. “He came to his own and his own did not receive him” (John 1:11).
Many people try to get rid of the pain by purposing to forget what happened or by blocking out the person who hurt them. However, the pain that remains is a constant reminder of the rejection. The minute someone says something that triggers the lie they believed, the pain is instantly felt.
Another way many people deal with pain is to run from it or pretend it really isn’t there. Pain is like a shadow, it will follow you no matter how fast or far you run. That is why so many people are walking around with the shadow of the past still on them.
To be set free from the lies, repent for placing the opinion and acceptance of others over God’s acceptance. Christ came to set us free so we could receive the truth and take our seat with Him in the heavenly places. The enemy knows that if he can keep us bound on earth by lies, we will remain in defeat.
Identify all lies that are connected to the rejections, then:
- Renounce the lies
Identifying and renouncing lies is very important in the healing process. Example: If you still believe that you are unwanted, you will not be able to embrace the truth of God’s acceptance.
- Renew your mind with the truth
What does God say in His Word about you? Write it down, memorize it! (Psalm 139:14-18).
- Come out of agreement with the enemy
If you have believed lies, you have entered into agreement with the enemy. Come out of agreement by renouncing the lies out loud. Example: “I am no longer rejected; I am accepted in the beloved.”